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Orutambu Uganda is situated in the in the tourism rich Rwenzori Region that is endowed beautiful tourist sceneries like Mt. Rwenzori, Kibaale National Park, Queen Elizabeth National Park, Hot springs in Rwagimba and Sempaya, Mabere Ganyinamwiru (stalactites and stalagmites), Lakes albert and George, Mt, Rwenzori National Park, several crater lakes among other couples with favorable weather, fertile soils, well-grounded cultural setups, hospitable people and well established hospitality facilities for tourists and visitors.

What We Do

With the above tourism potential Orutambu Uganda strives to market the region’s tourism potential through promoting community tourism and attracting tourists and international volunteers to visit the local communities and support local individual development efforts, buy their locally made art crafts, carryout charities to support vulnerable families, carryout fun activities and events in communities among others. Under this arrangement tourists and international volunteers can be hosted by the local families within the communities.